Hymns With Birds and Creation – We Sing… Verse 2

We Sing the Mighty Power of God – Verse 2

We sing the goodness of the Lord that filled the earth with food;

Green-tailed Sunbird (Aethopyga nipalensis) by Peter Ericsson

he formed the creatures with his word and then pronounced them good.

Laughing Gull and Skimmer by Lee

Lord, how your wonders are displayed, where’er we turn our eyes,

Brown-throated Wattle-eye (Platysteira cyanea) Male ©WikiC

if we survey the ground we tread or gaze upon the skies.

Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca) by Ian

By Isaac Watts

Hymns With Birds and Creation – We Sing… Verse 1

We Sing the Mighty Power of God – Verse 1

We sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise, 

Wild Goat - Mountain Goat Mount Massive CO ©WikiC

Wild Goat – Mountain Goat Mount Massive CO ©WikiC

that spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies. 

Turkey Vulture flying by - LPP

Turkey Vulture flying by – LPP

We sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day; 

Sunrise and USS New York at Mayport Naval Base by Lee

the moon shines full at his command, and all the stars obey. 

Osprey on Tower with Moon setting behind it- By Lee

Osprey on Tower with Moon setting behind it- By Lee

Stay Tuned for More Verses for this Hymn!